张世武 教授



教授、博导,工程科学学院副院长,中国科大-安徽爱博智能机器人联合实验室主任。分别于19972003年获得科大学士及博士学位。从事多年仿生机器人研究,研制出多代仿生机器鱼、软体臂、灵巧手、两栖机器人、救援机器人、液态金属电机、液态金属人工肌肉等各类特种机器人。近年来发表100多篇论文,多次获得期刊高被引论文、年度亮点论文以及封面论文,授权20多项国家专利。成果被新华社、光明日报、央视、New ScientistRUPTLY Adv. Sci.Matter等国内外主流媒体和期刊报道。获首届全国机器人专利创新创业大赛二等奖(2016)、中国机器人年度十大科技进展(2018)、首届智创杯前沿技术挑战赛锦标赛冠军(2020)、安徽省教学成果特等奖(2019)、中科院教育教学成果一等奖(2020)等。联系方式:swzhang@ustc.edu.cn

Prof. Shiwu Zhang 
B.Eng., Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation, USTC .Dr. Zhang received his B.Eng. degree in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree in the Precision Instrumentation and Machinery from USTC in 2003. He has been a visiting scholar in University of wollongong, Australia in 2016 and in the Ohio state university, USA in 2012, respectively. In recent years, more than 100 papers have been published and he/she has won several awards including Highly Cited Papers, Annual Highlight Papers, and Cover Papers. Additionally, he/she has been granted over 20 national patents. Email: swzhang@ustc.edu.cn